Travel & Car Bloc

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Retail Price : $888.00
Life Member Price : $799.20
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Life Member Price: $799.20
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- Specifically designed for easy traveling, to use in your car, and also for other leisure activities like going to yoga, to a restaurant, etc.

- Harmonize the energy in any homes, restaurants, or workspaces.

- Harmonize and neutralize EMF (3G, 4G, 5G, WiFi, microwaves, etc.).

- You can charge any object that fits into a Travel & Car Bloc with pure and dynamic quantum energy!

- The fully harmonizing radius of this Travel & Car Bloc is ~ 300 meters (~ 990 feet).

- 1,133 on the Hawkins Scale.

Size: 4x4x5 inch (10x10x12 cm)

*Please note charging times are the same as with the Infinity Bloc.
*Please do not charge metals for more than 3 minutes cumulative.
*Please do not charge any pharmaceuticals in this Bloc.

Is there a License Agreement?

Yes, there is a license agreement for personal use. We do offer commercial agreements for anyone interested. If you are interested in using the Leela Quantum Technology commercially, you can email info[at] The Quantum Bloc, the Infinity Bloc, and the Travel & Car Bloc product design patents have been granted for multiple countries, including the US, Europe, and Switzerland.