Lauren Sambataro, CPT, FDN, HLC - DUTCH Test + Consult

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1 hour @ US$650.00, By phone, Online/Video chat

DUTCH Plus Profile (at-home adrenal & hormone test kit) (*valued at $475)

Intake Forms & Healthy history review

60-min Review of DUTCH Test results

As a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner and CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Lauren supports her clients through the lens of biochemically individuality, curating a unique individualized blueprint to transcend their wellness goals. Merging the subjective and objective, I combine diagnostic testing & quantification practices, cellular detox, lifestyle & environmental cleanup, bioindividual nutrition, fitness & sleep protocols, while using deep listening practices and motivational interviewing to close the loop on lasting, transformative change. Complete health optimization is not only possible, but expected!

She works virtually both 1-1 and 1-many with clients all over the country, and co-hosts the health optimization podcast, The Biohacker Babes, to inspire both men and women to take responsibility and radical ownership of their health.